Maelgwyn’s Aachen Reactor laboratory unit at Metallurgy Pty Ltd

Aachen Reactor units are an advanced treatment process for precious metals that’s proving effective in optimising recovery efficiencies via its enhanced cyanidation leaching process.

This treatment delivers optimal benefits across these areas:
• Improved gold and silver recoveries
• Increased tonnages without impacting recovery
• Reduced cyanide consumption
• Accelerated leach kinetics
• Improved oxygen utilisation

Aachen reactors are applicable to a wide range of gold ore types, including:

• Refractory ores
• Oxides
• Gold tailings retreatment
• Transitional material

Below is an extract from the results of one of Maelgwyn’s test campaigns looking into the effect of Aachen Assisted Leaching on early-stage leach performance:

A notable, substantial recovery improvement (7.1%, 3.0%, and 12.8%) was observed after 2 hrs of leaching across various ore categories. The 24-hr leach performance also demonstrated enhanced results when compared to materials that had not yet received Aachen treatment.
High speed, early-stage leaching may allow operators to boost the tonnage processed in their leach circuits without affecting recovery rates. This was recently proven by Maelgwyn’s client, who credited their Aachen reactor for a 17.65% increase in leach circuit throughput.

Metallurgy Pty Ltd.’s state-of-the-art lab in Perth, Western Australia features an Aachen Reactor lab unit that is ready to undertake and unlock your test work recoveries.